15 Days to go...

Dear Pati,

You said you were homesick,
I say I'm sick of a home without you.

You said you can't wait to come back,
I say I can't wait to have you back too.

I say without you its difficult to be,
You say that life is lonely without me.

I say the world has lost its charm,
You say you miss me in your arms.

You ask if the children miss you too?
I say ofcourse my dear, they do.

You ask if everything is fine?
I say without you I just can't align.

The chit-chat leads to just nowhere,
Would end this way, I was aware.

I am here and you are there,
And between us is a little prayer.

O God, please take good care of him.
You know he is my dearest thing.

Pay heed to all he has to say,
You see, I'm just too far away.

14 Days to go...

Dear Pati,

Ah! The pleasures of being a wife,
Of a husband who left his debit card behind!
The golden smooth and shiny thing,
Is glistening like my wedding ring!

As I hold it in my palm to see,
I think of all that it can do for me.
The market has a brand new jeans,
That makes you look so tall and lean.

It promises to fit perfectly well,
Showing sexy curves, or so they tell.
Although the numbers on the tag are high,
With the shiny plastic thing, why should I shy?

There is a new jacket in the store,
That can bring down your bank balance further more.
Not to forget the heels sitting proudly on the rack,
They seem to cry out to me to come back!

And let me not mention the dearest of all,
The ruby earrings at the showroom in the mall!
The threat looms large as you can see,
And the list by now has over grown.

Come back soon or else a heavy fee,
An empty account will make you moan.
To con in love does really no harm,
You leave no choice, so I twist your arm!!!


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