DARK AGES! WE HAVE ENTERED THE DARK AGES! No, that’s not what I believe, I got that from the social media. While the majority of India exulted in NDA’s victory in the Lok Sabha elections, a TSUNAMO, most called it, there is a percentage of Indians who were plunged into mourning at the tragedy that had befallen them. Now, normally, I refrain from commenting or posting anything related to politics. How can I participate in debates and discussions about the said subject when I don’t know much about politics, politicians, governments, their policies except for what I read in the newspapers and hear on media? I have never even met a politician and don’t follow any one of them on social media or otherwise. More and more, as I advance in age and hopefully wisdom, I realise I know nothing and understand even less. However, my newly acquired wisdom has made me privy to one very obvious fact. I – we are surrounded by hate, resentment, hostility, ill-will – whatever name ...