Different Perspectives
My story on Rashid who became a terrorist was written to shock and show a different perspective to how the human mind works. What may seem wrong to one is right for another. Amazing isn’t it? All of us or at least most of us are taught as children about right and wrong and yet our varied perceptions see the world in many diverse shades other than just black and white. Rashid believed he was doing the right thing by choosing destruction to seek Allah, not feeling a bit of remorse or fear before killing thousands of people and himself. Did he actually believe or was he made to believe, did he really understand the meaning of religion and the teachings of Allah, and did he ever know the difference between right and wrong? The war he was waging against the world …was it really his or was he brainwashed into believing that Allah needed him to destroy life in order to attain him? It’s a well-known fact that terror groups are targeting children transforming them into killers and fa...