Are you aware the pandemic is over?

Do you know the corona virus can't make us sick anymore let alone kill us? Well, I wasn't. The country has opened up almost completely and if the traffic on the roads and the people in restaurants and public places are anything to go by it seems like everything is back to normal. With the lockdowns gone, so is the virus, the masks and the social distancing norms. And while I agree panicking about is also not good, dismissing it after months of freaking about it is something I don't quite get. The virus came calling on our family's door just 2 weeks ago taking away with it a special soul, leaving behind it, a trail of grief, misery and regret. Maybe that's why I don't comprehend what is happening around me. It has taken me weeks to post my thoughts about what happened. I resisted doing it, something in me holding me back. But I also know how important it is for the world to take the pandemic seriously and now that most of us for some reason or the other have stop...