
Showing posts from January 22, 2012

Dialogue with Sri M

A very interesting dialogue with Sri M my Dad's Guru  Question: How should one behave in one’s relationship daily when we have so many images to protect about ourselves? Sri M: Spiritual life cannot be diverse from day to day life. The inner attitude is more important. Therefore, the key issues to consider are: a. Can I be transparent in my relationship? b. Behind the behavior, is there hatred or bitterness? c. Am I behaving or relating, independent of my action, in a manner which is hurting others. Do I enjoy hurting others? d. Am I behaving very nicely with the person so I can dig his grave? Or because I am expecting something from that person? e. Can I relate with someone with love and affection without intending any harm to that person? f. ‘How to make friends and influence people’ is the worst book ever written! This will make you into an artificial human being! Instead, look within and see how am I actually? When I smile, am I actually smiling? Or is it ...