
Showing posts from May 31, 2020


“And from the midst of cheerless gloom I passed to bright unclouded day.” ―  Emily Bronte As the winds pick up speed crashing against the windows of our apartment I find myself keeping my head down and my ears shut to the ghoulish sounds that surround me. The cyclone has arrived and darkness engulfs us.  A good time to browse through Facebook and keep in touch with your "friends " as any, I say to myself. The darkness melts away and my mood lightens as my finger scrolls through the pictures, the daily updates, the opinions, the quotes. I make it a point to like them as I go along reading, appreciating, admiring and enjoying them. Some make me glad, some make me sad, some make me scoff, and I admit some make me envious too. Many inspire and motivate me and many I see as wake up calls to do better and as the rain falls heavily on the isolated roads of a country under lockdown I feel blessed that I am safe inside my world, yet so well connected to the outs