Working Together to be a whole!
We are a diverse people, woven as a country into a tapestry of a rich culture with varied traditions, languages & values. That's what defines us, that's what makes us who we are - a nation, a society, a family & individuals. If you think our society is a mind-boggling complex group of people; as individuals we are no different. As humans we are a diverse, complicated mix too. Just as a country is a mix of its people, values, culture, beliefs... ...Humans too are a mix of their thoughts, feelings, emotions, values. We are heroes & villains - sometimes mature - sometimes childish - all rolled into one. And however conflicting our inner workings are - each one of us - each different part of us functions together to form a working whole contributing to the world - good, bad & somewhere in between. With all the strife, restlessness, rage & violence inside & outside us humans have survived centuries, achieving amazing things that can only be described as a fan...