A very close friend who is the perfect life partner ( I say that because they are perfect for each other, a beautiful team who have established a great family, a flourishing business, all together) to her hubby dearest has recently become a writer. All because her team mate, her spouse is away from her for a month. And even though she has a lot on her hands, five factories, two beautiful daughters, an ailing father-in-law, she finds time to pen down her thoughts, her feelings every day. Although they are extremely personal they are words every wife whose husband is away from her on work or other commitments can identify with. I therefore begged her to share these creations with the world ... Thank you Bhumika Singh. 

Vivek I am sure is loving your daily creations but let the world have a peep into your most wondrously penned down thoughts.   

And I begin scratching out the days in the calendar...Day 30

Dear hubby,

The silence isn't so bad,
Till I look at my hands and feel sad,
Because the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly. 

29 Days to go...

Dear hubby,

The smell of the morning newspaper as I opened my eyes,
No one to fight with me for the pages with the headlines,
No hand to offer the Page 3 papers instead,
No one to say "wait till I have read"
Read it alone today with no views to share,
Oh chuck the world- today I just don't care... 

28 days to go...

Dear hubby,
A pile of freshly ironed clothes arrived from the laundry  I scanned the bundle, only to find it didn't contain any of yours.
A matter so small,
Left me appalled.
A smile on my face,
A tear in my eye.
As I searched for your trace,
I remembered I had kissed you goodbye!
27 days to go...

Dear hubby,

The kids struggle with their breakfast,
I am reminded of you.
A bowl of fruits in the morning,
And you would twitch your nose too.
My nagging, "Please finish everything on your plate."
Your desperate reply, "Begum, I am Getting late."
The morning rush is still a race,
But without you, inside me is a silent empty space.

26 days to go...

Dear hubby,

The new CNC machines are here,
Some parts need to be developed.
Certain quality issues that I always fear,
Other matters keep my mind enveloped.
The humdrum at the office,
Sounds different without you.
The "tiker-tiker" of the machines,
Have lost their melody too.
With you around, I knew where to turn,
I knew what to face, I knew where I could run.
I knew I could never go wrong,
With you behind, the workplace was an easy song.
Now that decisions have to be taken alone,
And matters have to be resolved.
I catch myself thinking about you,
O how I wish you were here and involved!

25 Days to go....

Dear hubby,

The printer just delivered your new visiting cards. 
A bunch of them lie carelessly on my table.
And so your thought just crossed my mind,
Seems so long without your sign.
The viber call got dropped twice,
My laptop in place of yours isn't half as nice.
The guys from SKM Steel came to eat my head,
O how I wish they were all dead!
The ABB guys were asking for you,
Schneider and CNS misses you too.
The staff and I sense a pause in the air,
Boss, come back soon and shift the right gears.

* I will be posting these every day. 


  1. WOW!Nirja, so touching yet so REAL. Super read.

  2. What a soul-stirring piece of work. The man for whom these lines have been penned must be great person indeed. I wonder when and if at all, I would become like him, for my wife to miss me so much. Hats off to the man to be such a good husband and to the gracious lady to love her man so intensely.


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